Elizabeth Parker
Real Estate Representative
Thank you for visiting my website!
The first step in any great ‘moving’ experience is to decide if the time is right to make a move. Is it the right time to move up? Is it time to downsize or more correctly, to right-size?
Many factors influence the real estate market and each person’s goals require specific consideration. Having a comprehensive plan is key to making the best moves.
My success has come from partnering with clients from their vision to completion, even when the big picture is not yet seen. Where to go and what type of property will best become home are big questions. What feels right. What makes sense. And where should it be. Figuring out the what and the where of your new home is key. I am proud to have assisted many clients find their what and where over the years when they didn’t know how to begin.
Successfully and seamlessly navigating the ‘how’ comes from experience. With almost 17 years of a brisk career behind me, I have experience navigating a variety of market conditions. Buyers’ markets, sellers’ markets, balanced markets and crazy markets—each with its own challenge and reward. Everyone has unique needs, desires and requirements. How to make a smooth move requires a personal plan.
Making informed decisions about preparing your home for the best sale possible is critical in a competitive marketplace. Preparing properly for sale is key to achieving the best result. My team can do as much or as little as is required to help your home show in its best light.
For me, the most important part of my work as a listing agent is giving you confidence and peace of mind throughout the process. I want you to be assured I will represent you professionally and thoughtfully, and in a timely and knowledgeable fashion.
I look forward to hearing from you and to earning your real estate business!
Warm regards,
Contact Information
986 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 1L1